Michael Earney has 15 Published Books of Varying Genres!
As a fine art painter, ceramic sculptor and documentary film maker Michael Earney developed the skills of observation, construction and integration, all of which he now employs as a story teller. In his non-fiction works, the ability to illustrate, design and write, lends books like, The A to Z book of Birds and The A to Z Book of Weeds and other useful Plants” their unique character.
If you would like to place a purchase of an autographed book directly from the author’s inventory, please Contact Michael Earney here…

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

| Hardcover $27.95 Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 11×8.5

Paperback $9.99 | 47 Pages
| Size 5×8

Kindle $3.99 | Paperback $9.95 | 86 Pages Size 6×9

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Hardcover $28.95 | 90 Pages |
Size 8.5×11


Hardcover $19.95 | 88 Pages
| Size 7.5x.9.25

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Hardcover $27.95 | Paperback $16.95 | 66 Pages | Size 8.5×11

Kindle $3.99 | Paperback $8.95 | 57 Pages | Size 5.5×8.5

Michael Earney is the author of multiple books, ranging from the A to Z series, a poetry book, fiction, and cultural artwork books. He also has many original paintings for sale.